Source code for chirptext.anhxa

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Data mapping functions

# This code is a part of chirptext library:
# :copyright: (c) 2012 Le Tuan Anh <>
# :license: MIT, see LICENSE for more details.

import logging
import threading
import json

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Configuration
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

def getLogger():
    return logging.getLogger(__name__)

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Functions
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

class IDGenerator(object):

    def __init__(self, id_seed=1, id_hook=None):
        ''' id_seed = starting number '''
        self.__id_seed = id_seed
        self.__id_check_hook = id_hook  # external ID checker
        self.__lock = threading.Lock()

    def __next__(self):
        with self.__lock:
            while True:
                valid_id = self.__id_seed
                self.__id_seed += 1
                if self.__id_check_hook is None or not self.__id_check_hook(valid_id):
            return valid_id

class DataObject(object):

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        self.__extra_data = {}  # for internal purpose
        add_extra_fields(self, kwargs)

    def __getattr__(self, attr_name):
        return self.__extra_data[attr_name] if attr_name in self.__extra_data else None

    def update(self, a_dict, *fields, **field_map):
        flex_update_obj(a_dict, self, True, *fields, **field_map)

    def to_json(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return dumps(self.to_dict(), *args, **kwargs)

    def to_dict(self, *args, **kwargs):
        a_dict = to_dict(self)
        if '_DataObject__extra_data' in a_dict and not a_dict['_DataObject__extra_data']:
        return a_dict

def field(f, field_map):
    return f if f not in field_map else field_map[f]

def add_extra_fields(obj, kwargs):
    for k, v in kwargs.items():
        if k not in obj.__dict__:
            obj.__dict__[k] = v
            raise Exception("Attribute {} exists".format(k))

[docs]def dumps(obj, *args, **kwargs): ''' Typeless dump an object to json string ''' return json.dumps(obj, *args, cls=TypelessSONEncoder, ensure_ascii=False, **kwargs)
def update_obj(source, target, *fields, **field_map): flex_update_obj(source, target, False, *fields, **field_map)
[docs]def flex_update_obj(source, target, __silent, *fields, **field_map): ''' Pull data from source to target. Target's __dict__ (object data) will be used by default. Otherwise, it'll be treated as a dictionary ''' source_dict = source.__dict__ if hasattr(source, '__dict__') else source if not fields: fields = source_dict.keys() for f in fields: if f not in source_dict and __silent: continue target_f = f if f not in field_map else field_map[f] setattr(target, target_f, source_dict[f])
[docs]def to_dict(obj, *fields, **field_map): """ Convert an object into a dictionary """ if isinstance(obj, set): return list(obj) obj_dict = obj.__dict__ if hasattr(obj, '__dict__') else obj if not fields: fields = obj_dict.keys() json_dict = {field(k, field_map): obj_dict[k] for k in fields} return json_dict
[docs]def to_obj(cls, obj_data=None, *fields, **field_map): ''' Use obj_data (dict-like) to construct an object of type cls prioritize obj_dict when there are conficts ''' if not fields: fields = obj_data.keys() try: kwargs = {field(f, field_map): obj_data[f] for f in fields if f in obj_data} obj = cls(**kwargs) except Exception: getLogger().exception("Couldn't use kwargs to construct object") # use default constructor obj = cls() update_obj(obj_data, obj, *fields, **field_map) return obj
[docs]class TypedJSONEncoder(json.JSONEncoder): def __init__(self, *args, type_map=None, **kwargs): json.JSONEncoder.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.type_map = type_map if type_map else {}
[docs] def default(self, obj): if obj.__class__ in self.type_map: nj = to_dict(obj) nj['__type__'] = self.type_map[obj.__class__] return nj else: return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)
[docs]class TypelessSONEncoder(json.JSONEncoder): def __init__(self, *args, type_map=None, **kwargs): json.JSONEncoder.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.type_map = type_map if type_map else {}
[docs] def default(self, obj): try: return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj) except TypeError: # fall back to to_json helper function return to_dict(obj)
[docs]class TypedJSONDecoder(json.JSONDecoder): def __init__(self, type_map=None, **kwargs): json.JSONDecoder.__init__(self, object_hook=self.obj_hooker) self.type_map = kwargs if type_map: self.type_map.update(type_map) def obj_hooker(self, obj_dict): if '__type__' in obj_dict: # check if this type is supported if obj_dict['__type__'] in self.type_map: obj_type = obj_dict.pop('__type__') return to_obj(self.type_map[obj_type], obj_dict) else: getLogger().warning("Unknown type: {}".format(obj_dict['__type__'])) else: return obj_dict